GUI Toolkit for TI nSpire  0.55 beta (dated 2021-03-21)
A GUI toolkit for Ndless-TI NSpire using SDL and Ndless libraries.
KeyboardTask Class Reference

#include <KeyboardTask.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual void logic ()
virtual bool iskeypressed ()
virtual bool iskeyevent ()
virtual bool iskeypressevent ()
virtual bool iskeyreleaseevent ()
virtual bool iskeyarrowevent ()

Public Attributes

bool keypressevent = false
bool keyreleaseevent = false
bool keyevent = false
bool keyevent_arrow = false
bool capsonmode = false
bool kbRET = false
bool kbENTER = false
bool kbMINUSPAR = false
bool kbSPACE = false
bool kbZ = false
bool kbY = false
bool kb0 = false
bool kbQUESTION = false
bool kbON = false
bool kbX = false
bool kbW = false
bool kbV = false
bool kb3 = false
bool kbU = false
bool kbT = false
bool kbS = false
bool kb1 = false
bool kbPI = false
bool kbTRIG = false
bool kb10X = false
bool kbR = false
bool kbQ = false
bool kbP = false
bool kb6 = false
bool kbO = false
bool kbN = false
bool kbM = false
bool kb4 = false
bool kbEE = false
bool kbX2 = false
bool kbL = false
bool kbK = false
bool kbJ = false
bool kb9 = false
bool kbI = false
bool kbH = false
bool kbG = false
bool kb7 = false
bool kbDIV = false
bool kbEX = false
bool kbF = false
bool kbE = false
bool kbD = false
bool kbC = false
bool kbB = false
bool kbA = false
bool kbEQUAL = false
bool kbMULTIPLY = false
bool kbPOWER = false
bool kbVAR = false
bool kbMINUS = false
bool kbPARCLOSE = false
bool kbDOT = false
bool kbPAROPEN = false
bool kb5 = false
bool kbCATALOG = false
bool kbFRAC = false
bool kbDEL = false
bool kbSCRATCH = false
bool kbFLAG = false
bool kbPLUS = false
bool kbDOC = false
bool kb2 = false
bool kbMENU = false
bool kb8 = false
bool kbESC = false
bool kbTAB = false
bool kbSHIFT = false
bool kbCTRL = false
bool kbCOMMA = false
bool kbUP = false
bool kbUPRIGHT = false
bool kbRIGHT = false
bool kbRIGHTDOWN = false
bool kbDOWN = false
bool kbDOWNLEFT = false
bool kbLEFT = false
bool kbLEFTUP = false

Detailed Description

Example of program using KeyboardTask

The following simple example demonstrates how to use the KeyboardTask controls.

Examples of usage:

#include "Toolkit/GUIToolkit.h"
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
bool done = false;
MyApp->setuniformbackgroundcolor(0, 0, 0);
DesktopWidget *desktop1 = new DesktopWidget( (char*) "First Desktop", 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, nullptr );
WindowWidget *window = new WindowWidget( (char*) "Examples of ButtonWidgets", 20, 30, 250, 160, desktop1 );
ContainerVWidget *contH = new ContainerVWidget( (char*) "ContainerH", 1, 1, 1, 1, window );
ButtonWidget *button = new ButtonWidget(); // Simple constructor so we need to assign all the parameters
// First the label to be written on the button
button->setlabel( (char*) "Enabled Button" );
// then the dimensions (one by one in that case)
button->setxpos( 5 );
button->setypos( 10 );
button->setwidth( 150 );
button->setheight( 15 );
// note : we can also use the method button->setdimensions( 5, 10, 150, 15 ) instead
// and finally we assign the parent by adding the button as a child to conH
contH->addchild( button );
// This is a second button with all parameters passed through the constructon
ButtonWidget *button2 = new ButtonWidget( (char*) "Disabled Button", 1, 1, 1, 1, contH );
// We disable the button by using the inherited method Wigdet::disable()
// the button to be clicked to quit
ButtonWidget *buttonQuit = new ButtonWidget( (char*) "Quit [CTRL]+[ESC]", 1, 1, 1, 1, contH );
// We ask for an automatic positioning of the widgets in the grid
// Note : this will fully override the dimensions given to the Widgets manually
MyApp->addchild( desktop1 );
KeyboardTask *keyboard = MyApp->getkeyboardhandler();
// We render the app for the first time so what we can see what's happening on the screen
while (!done)
if ((keyboard->kbCTRL && keyboard->kbESC) || buttonQuit->ispressed()) done = true;
return 0;

KeyboardTask class.

The class to be used for accessing the keyboard and keys information.

Examples of usage:

KeyboardTask* myKeys = new KeyboardTask(); // Simple constructor, will need specific properties assignement later
KeyboardTask* myKeys = myApp->getkeyboardhandler();
WidgetApplication creates a KeyboardTask object at initialisation. It is then better to ask for a direct access to its KeyboardTask by using the WidgetApplication::getkeyboardhandler() method.
See also

Direct key status

Each key is defined by a boolean: true is the corresponding key is pressed and false overwise

Keynames are given as follows

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Definition: DesktopWidget.h:7
Definition: WidgetApplication.h:32
virtual bool ispressed()
Definition: ButtonWidget.cpp:5
Definition: ContainerVWidget.h:105
Definition: WindowWidget.h:7
Definition: ButtonWidget.h:91
Definition: KeyboardTask.h:99